Shivam Sharma


AUTHOR: Shivam Sharma

Taxonomy V2

We're excited to release full support for our updated Taxonomy feature. This includes long-awaited improvements including:

  • Editing category names, attributes, etc. after taxonomy creation.

  • Series and study level classification.

  • One-click label creation workflow.

  • Easily accessible label attributes.

  • and more!

See a more comprehensive overview of Taxonomy V2 vs. Taxonomy V1 here. See more detailed documentation about Taxonomy V2 here.

For the time being, we will continue to support Taxonomy V1, but will eventually plan to deprecate it.

User tagging

Add tags to your team members. This is useful for managing different teams and different roles such as "Radiologist" or "Radiographer". Head over to the Team tab to add custom user tags, and view them while hovering over a User Avatar.

Labeling Queue

We've increased the size of the labeler queue to show up to 100 tasks that are assigned to you and up to 100 tasks that you've skipped (for a total maximum of 200 tasks).

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