Shivam Sharma
Product update

v2022.11.17.1 - Contour Tool

AUTHOR: Shivam Sharma

Contour Tool

Do you have a large organ to segment that doesn't work well with thresholding? We have created the manual contour tool to allow you to quickly draw outlines of your regions, then interpolate between slices.

To activate it:

  • Select the tool from the top bar, or

  • Press the "k" hotkey, or

  • Search for the Contour tool in the command bar

The contour tool works very similarly to the pen tool. To get started click on a 2D viewport. You can click and drag or add points one click at a time. To close click the end node. You can then change the slice and repeat the process. If you skip slices, the in between slices will be interpolated.

To edit, simply hover near the edge of your region and click and drag to draw a new segment. Editing an interpolated contour will make that contour a key point that will be used for interpolation of the nearby slices.

Important: When you are done with your contour, you will need to convert it to a pixel mask. This process is called "rasterization." There is a button on the right panel to do this, or you can use the Shift+Enter hotkey.

Video Demonstration:

Single instance per series

In order to improve the annotation experience and the correctness of exported data, a single segmentation instance will now only apply on a single series. The series name will show up on the label object now.

Who does this affect

If you are labeling data on a single series (Xray or other images, Ultrasounds or other videos, or single CT scans) then this change will not affect you.

This will only affect you if you are annotating studies with multiple series AND you use the same instance on more than series (i.e. creating a single label object and annotating a T1 and T2 MRI scan).

What you need to do:

Nothing, however you will now need to create separate instances for each series with the same category that you want to annotate. Data that was annotated previously will be automatically processed to determine if which series have a given label.

Minor changes:

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