Ben Stewart
Product update


AUTHOR: Ben Stewart

- Text fields for Object Label Attributes, Study Classifications, and Series Classifications can now be adjusted vertically
- Tooltip for Object Label Attributes, Study Classifications, and Series Classifications
- Scrolling for very long HTML hints
- Series information can now be used for Custom Label Validation arguments
- Ellipse and Rectangle ROI Measurement Tools in the Annotation Tool

- several visual improvements throughout the UI and Annotation Tool
- the RedBrick web application no longer uses cookies
- users can no longer navigate away from a Task while a save operation is ongoing
- with Consensus enabled, exporting a Task now exports all existing annotation sets
- Improved 3D visualization in the Annotation Tool
- Improvements to video loading
- Local caching for performance setting now enabled by default
- More effective automated pre-caching policy 

- oblique planes weren’t working as expected in certain cases
- enabling caching was causing memory spikes in certain cases
- Project Admins were unable to open Ground Truth Tasks in certain cases
- 3D Island Removal was not working as expected in certain cases

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