Ben Stewart


AUTHOR: Ben Stewart


- locally cached labels now persist across a variety of edge cases to prevent accidental loss
- Taxonomy Objects can now be filtered using the search bar in the left hand panel of the Annotation Tool
- Task Permalinks - users with proper permissions can now access Tasks using a permanent link:<orgid>/projects/<projectid>/tasks/<taskid>
the Insights Panel on the Project Overview page can now be sorted by date
- Time-based filtering has been added to several places within the UI
- Support for exporting segmentations in DICOM RT Struct through the SDK
- Tasks can now be sent from Ground Truth Stage to the Label Stage in the UI
- Oblique planes now have dedicated hotkeys: CMD/CTRL+O to activate in the selected viewport, SHIFT+CMD/CTRL+O to activate in all viewports


- the right hand Context Panel is now resizeable
- Attributes in the Context Panel can now be collapsed/expanded
- Projects in the sidebar are now sorted by most recent activity
- several minor visual improvements to the UI and Annotation Tool
- several minor behaviors in the UI to improve overall experience
- Brush size is now persistent across a labeling session
- Autocaching will now prioritize whichever Task a user has open in the Annotation Tool


- the right hand Consensus panel wasn’t working as expected in certain cases
- the Thresholding Panel wasn’t working as expected in certain cases
- the Paint Bucket wasn’t working as expected in certain cases
- the Consensus icon within the Annotation Tool wasn’t displaying properly in certain cases
- the autocaching loader was not displaying correctly in certain cases
- the 3D Pen Tool was creating annotations on adjacent slices in certain cases

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